Doctors and Pure&Clean users tell their stories.
The Pure&Clean Difference
Denise Dunaway, Dry Eye Patient talks about the relief she got from using Pure&Clean Lid Prep products.
“My early experience with this product has truly proven to be game-changing. It definitely checks all the boxes for a new product success…safe, effective, multi-use, and economical! I take notice when patients exclaim with sincerity and excitement, “It’s a miracle spray!”. Future uses of this product are limited only by the imagination. I love that Vision Source is out in front on bringing us a product that is great for our patients, our staff, and our docs.”
Vision Clinic
“I have never had any complaints around irritation or discomfort with Pure&Clean. A portion of my practice involves fixing other provider’s cases with chronic complications and infections. I have worked on di cult cases, even with infants, yet I have never seen a hyper-sensitive reaction. I strongly believe that if you use Pure&Clean for surgical irrigation, during surgeries, you will see great outcomes, reduced HAI’s, faster heal timesand improved ratings.”
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Founder and Owner of Cosmetic Surgery of DFW
“On September 5th, my son had a bad bicycle wreck. He suffered a serious injury to his head, neck, and face. He has a closed head injury, severe concussion, road rash on his face and shoulder, and blood vessels in his left eye were blown. On the 6th of September, I called and asked our family eye doctor if he could take a look. Dr. Devon Jarvis tested Carson and thankfully his vision was OK. However, Carson had stopped eating and drinking because the road rash was so bad, and the scabs were forming so fast, he could not comfortably open his mouth. The pain of stretching his mouth to even fit a straw in his mouth was almost unbearable. He advised us to clean the area well, soften those scabs that had formed, and spray with Pure&Clean Hydrogel. Just 20 hours after using Pure&Clean, we were ALL amazed at the results. Thanks to Dr. Jarvis and the Pure&Clean Hydrogel, Carson was completely healed within 10 days! I am absolutely amazed at the results and lack of scarring!”
Testimonial from MISTY PEAK, Mother of patient of Dr. Devon Jarvis, OD